use an oscilloscope

Sur l'enseignement de la Physique-Chimie dans une autre langue en tant que Discipline Non Linguistique

use an oscilloscope

Messagede laimone » 13 Jan 2017, 13:11


This diagram shows a square wave trace on the screen of an oscilloscope.
The Y-sensitivity of the oscilloscope is set at 1.0V per division and the time base is set at 10.0ms per division.
1) For the trace, measure this tension.
2) Determine its frequency.
3) Measure its maximum value.
4) Draw what you get with these following settings:
a) 2V/div and 10ms/div
b) 1V/div and 20ms/div
c) 2V/div and 20ms/div
5) What are the best settings? Justify.
6) Explain that we can qualify the tension as alternating and periodic.
7) Draw the diagram on which we see the same tension with a non-activated scanning.
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Messages: 5
Inscription: 08 Jan 2017, 17:37
Académie: madagascar
Poste: Enseignant en Collège/Lycée

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